It is now irrefutable that climate change is real and largely man-made, driven by mankind’s dependency on fossil fuels.
Therefore, the move to a world where energy generation is from renewable energy sources is a necessity and an immediate one. It is not an option or a “nice to have” it is essential for our survival now and to protect the future generations of our planet. We can no-longer extract finite resources from the land and the oceans to fuel our societal and economic needs and wants. We must change to clean, carbon neutral, renewable energy sources now. It is clear that proven technology exists be it wind, solar, wave, tidal, hydro, biofuels, green hydrogen, and numerous other technologies in various stages of development and others yet to be conceived. As well as addressing climate change and the future of our planet, a move away from fossil fuel dependency, also protects us from geo-political and economic instability which makes for a safer, happier, and more prosperous society. Every day, more and more people are waking up to the reality of climate change and wish to embrace the benefits of renewable energy from an individual up to global levels for us and future generations.

From a commercial perspective, customers are much more aware of the issue and are increasingly becoming more demanding of suppliers to reduce their negative impact on the planet by reducing the carbon footprint of their purchases in both manufacturing and shipping terms. Corporations recognise there is both an environmental but, increasingly, also a commercial imperative to make this switch at the corporate level and through their entire stakeholder network and supply chains. Businesses that don’t embrace this will undoubtedly fail, as customers – including individuals and other businesses – will demand products and services from environmentally responsible sources. This is Winfield’s belief and the context in which we operate. We are here to help you make that change, swiftly, effectively, and responsibly.